By: Wardah I., North Oakville Youth Development Council
June 9, 2020
The North Oakville Youth Development Council made a video for the Halton Youth Initiative because it is tough for individuals to cope with mental health challenges at this time. We believe that by being united, and acknowledging that things are tough, greatly helps people realize that they are not alone.
Being in quarantine is very hard for teenagers in particular. It has greatly impacted our daily lives because we cannot hang out with friends or carry out some other activities that we did before. The world that we live in may never return to what it used to be before COVID-19, however, it does not mean that we stop living our life.
When things get too overwhelming, it is okay to take a break and reflect on our lives. At the same time, it is totally okay if someone needs to talk to someone and there are many online resources available. Kids Help Phone is always available for support at 1-800-668-6868 and Youth in Halton also can contact ROCK Online at
The North Oakville Youth Development Council believes that the most important step in fighting this pandemic is to make sure that we are healthy, both mentally and physically. Then, we should make sure that every one that is staying home with us is healthy.
It is truly a challenge having so much time on our hands and hearing terrible things on the news. It can really make us anxious at times which, is not something to be ashamed of as it makes us human. We are not going to give up and let the virus win. We still have to work to accomplish the goals that we had before the virus and now, maybe because of this experience, we have even bigger goals to achieve.
Mental Health Messages from the Halton Youth Initiative