Climate Crusaders - Project Snapshot
Droughts - Ziad Sinno
Did you know - Elijah Mulder
Taking Action and Reflecting
On Monday, May 3, 2021, we hosted a Climate Justice event on ZOOM. You can view the recording here. We had panellists from Halton Environmental Network, Sustainable Milton and our friend and passionate environmentalist, Josh Taylor Detlor, join us for one hour to talk about a number of topics, specifically how can youth make a difference.
The goals of the event included: raise more awareness about local issues, more youth being involved in taking action against climate change and addressing specific issues that youth can take action on is important - a general idea makes it hard for people to care for.
Questions included:
How can we get youth to take action against climate change?
What changes can we make at home to create a sustainable lifestyle?
What can we do locally for the environment?
Who can we reach out to discuss and take action against climate justice?
How can we implement changes at our school to fight against climate change?
What can youth do to pressure adults and business owners to become more sustainable and make a change?
Why is taking action for climate justice important?
Ask each panellist what was something they learned that changed their perspective or made them want to change something in their own life relating to climate action.
Our Team Reflections
Joudie - I learned how to cooperate and communicate with others with different perspectives and it was incredible to hear different opinions and ideas and implement them to create innovative solutions.
Ziad - I learned about the importance of group collaboration, planning, and communication while researching and discussing ideas relating to the long-term and short-term effects of climate change.
Isha -working with other people to work towards a common goal was definitely a highlight.
Elijah - Being able to have productive conversations with other teens where we work towards a common goal has to be a highlight of this campaign for me.
Layan - Throughout this project, I have had a great experience and learned a lot of new things. It has been awesome hearing and learning all those new things from my peers and from experts.
Nimra - Seeing everyone's hard work all come together at the panel + hearing from other experts was definitely a highlight.