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Climate Crusaders - Project Snapshot

Coordinated by: Joudie Albahdadi

The Climate Crusaders came together in January 2021 to raise awareness on Climate change, and to take action on Climate Justice. The group members included: Elijah Mulder, Joudie Albahdadi, Layan Haddadin, Nimra Ramzan, Ziad Sinno, and Isha Tokas.

We chose this topic because the environment is incredibly important and affects us all. We are the generation that can make a change so we should take matters into our own hands and take care of our home. We all care about the ecosystems and the wildlife and we wanted to raise awareness and discuss the importance of climate justice. We want to make a great home for the coming generations. The older generation does not seem to care as much as we do so we can make a difference.

The following organizations were super helpful in helping us brainstorm, learn new topics and have expert support in our journey on Climate Action and Climate Justice. Big thanks to Halton Environmental Network, Sustainable Milton, and Haudenosaunee environmentalist Josh Taylor-Detlor.  


Specifically, we would like to thank Mishal Naseer, Marsha Smith, Wendy Roberts, Katrine Handley-Derry, and Josh Taylor-Detlor. Your passion for environmentalism was inspiring and each of us learned a great deal about eco-topics as well as about organizing ourselves to take action and make changes in government. 

Spreading Awareness

Our team split into pairs, each one assigned a certain topic to discuss. One pair researched local statistics on climate change and gathered recent information about local climate change occurrences. Another group researched the causes and effects of climate change and found a lot of information about topics related to that subject, specifically how it affects us as humans. The last group researched climate change and natural disasters and found out the correlation between climate change and droughts.

Our purpose was to create an online campaign to inform people about climate change and climate justice. Many people use social media and we wanted to create a message that would spread around, and since we discussed the effects of climate change locally, more youth would want to take action in their community.

The posts that we created are local statistics of climate change, causes and effects of climate change, and climate change's connection to droughts.

  • Local statistics on climate change - Nimra Ramzan and Joudie Albahdadi

  • Cause and Effects of climate change - Layan Haddadin and Isha Tokas

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