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North Oakville - Building Intentional Relationships: A Student Shares Her Perspective

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

By Kellie S., Holy Trinity S.S. Student

Originally published in the 2019 - May 9th NOYDC Meeting Updates eNewsletter

We are Team 3161- The Tronic Titans, from Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, a FIRST robotics team. FIRST is the World’s leading youth-serving nonprofit advancing STEM education. Every year, we are challenged to design, build and program a robot. Our team is student driven, meaning our students are in charge of the team’s operations, and fundraising. Our team is composed of approximately 35 members and 5 adult mentors.

Our mentors are important to our success and development because they work in the STEM fields and have valuable experience and skills to share with our members. We have very dedicated mentors, that give their time, to work with and teach our students.

The mentor-student relationship we have built is invaluable and crucial to our team’s success because students gain first hand experience and knowledge, by working with our mentors to design, program, and build our robot. This relationship, also motivates and encourages our members to consider pursuing a career in STEM. This relationship allows students to demonstrate and grow in their leadership skills because once we learn skills from mentors, we can teach others, and lead the team, while having our mentors their to help and support our leadership initiatives.

Thanks again to Team 3161- The Tronic Titans for their participation in our National Youth Week event.

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